Our mission is to directly connect consumers to local florists without a middleman and to provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all orders.
Today when the average consumer places an order to have flowers delivered the order passes through a broker like FTD®, Telflora® or 800Flowers®.
This consumer to broker to local florist system has proven to be problematic in that the broker takes an enormous percentage of the sale price of the order and often the resulting delivered order is not what the consumer wanted in the first place. Local florists have been complaining for years that the broker takes so much of the sales price in fees that very little is left for the local florist to properly fill the order.
By directly connecting the consumer with the local florist we hope to put an end to this relationship with the broker and essentially remove the middleman. It is our belief that by connecting the consumer direct to the local florist will not only put more of the sales price into the florists pocket but that this will in fact allow the florist to better fill the order with a quality product in a more timely fashion as well as to better insure that the product delivered is in fact the product that the consumer requested.
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Especially For You, LLC

Riverside National Cemetery